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Tips & external resources

▶ General advice

▬ To use the codes in "Home & Tools" (in ubuntu) and the Tracker in "IDERx": clone or download the files in a local folder and add that folder to the path, for that, just add the line
export PATH="/home/my_local_folder_with_the_codes"
to the .bashrc hidden file usually located in the home folder in ubuntu, which you can edit using any text editor, for example from the terminal gedit ~/.bashrc.
▬ For sending and receiving multiple and large files to a remote location (such as in a cluster) rsync -azvP is good option in terms of speed and clarity. Opening a terminal from a local folder, files will can be "sincronized" with the remote folder with rsync -azvP send_direction/ receiving_direction/ where the sender and receiving direction may be local (e.g. ./local_folder) or remote directions (e.g. Ending the sending direction in / only the contents of the folder will be considered, without it the folder and itts contents will be syncronized.
Be warry than additional tags may be useful/required for safe/efficient transfer, ask the personel in chargue of the remote location if they recomend something else.
Multiple --exclude 'FileName' options after the -azvP allow to sincronize all files and folders except the specified 'FileName'. It is extremelly useful for downloading all folders and files of a neb run except the larger CHG, CHGCAR and WAVECAR using a wildcard filedirection, i.e.
$ rsync -azvP --exclude '*/CHG*' --exclude '*/WAVECAR' ./
▬ To check empty files: ls -la -h. The -la option will also list all hiden files (starting with a dot) and the -h will show file sizes in "human readable" units (Kb, Mb, Bg instead of... millions) wich is usefull to see if you actually wrote that WAVECAR to continue a new job.
▬ To check folder sizes: du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -h will list in ascending order the folder sizes in the current directory. Usefull if you are running low on space.

▶ Recomended free software

▬ VESTA (link here) of JPMinerals is very useful free visualization tool to quickly check VASP geometries. It is specially usefull to directly open various POSCAR or CONTCAR files invokig VESTA from a therminal in the working folder with $ VESTA POSCAR CONTCAR. If VESTA is not already open, both files will open in the same VESTA window. This is particularly usefull to open all structures in a neb calculation, for wich there is a tool in this repository. Keep in mind that it only accepts files named POSCAR or CONTCAR
▬ The Visual Molecular Dynamics (VMD, link here) of the Theoretical and Biophysics group of the University of Illinois is a great free tool to render publication-grade images of molecular models. It is particularly usefull to visualize and edit superimposed models of a neb calculation. Keep in mind that it needs a POTCAR file in the same directory of the POSCAR/CONTCAR/CENTCAR file to get information on the atomic types.
The initial representation settings in VMD are controlled by a a file .vdmrc where custom options can be added to save a lot of time. For linux, it is located in /usr/local/lib/vmd. Some configurations I use
display depthcue off
color Display Background white
display projection orthographic
mol default style CPK
mol default color Element
Keep in mind that most of this setting and other tasks can be done from the therminal that invoqued vmd. Try pbc box to see the periodic boundary limits of the cell.
▬ p4vasp (link here ) is another useful free visualization tool, although I only use it to review the progress of geometric convergences opening the vasp.xml file and looking at Convergence>Energy and Convergence> Selected forces.
▬ JMol (link here ) is a free tool that can open the vasp.xml file of a frequency calculation and show animations of the individual modes of vibration found.